There is every reason to believe that never before Tokyo House seen such a spectacle, and, without a doubt, this is the most massive show of all, what Gackt arranged before. Fifty thousand a concert hall - not a joke, and the scene is reminiscent of the size of a small airfield. Gackt, apparently, does not like a huge empty area, and therefore made every effort and imagination to the stage was filled with emptiness: the scenery, dancers, a complex lighting system. As a result, the scene looks like a window into another dimension inhabited by illusions and fantastic otherworldly creatures. Gackt himself - no less than their master: demonically beautiful, dangerous, and the same hereafter.
But it terms of "theater" part. In the second half of the concert, Gackt looks simpler, but still, this time it is most similar to the "idoru" than ever. Even the "HN" he shouts, without losing the magnificent view.
Without the traditional movie before, and in the middle of the concert has not done. At this time, Gackt and the musicians play the role of the last defenders of the doomed fortress (Shito), surrounded by countless hordes of enemies (Darts). They heroically gallop toward certain death, and lacks only the rallying cry "On the death!" All this is dramatic and pathetic, but the second half of the movie, again according to tradition, makes a great inspiration to the banter.
In the mid-concert break, during which Gackt invites to the stage a few people from the audience. With them, he plays the game "rock-paper-scissors" until there is one winner, a girl. She gets really fabulous Christmas gifts: each of the musicians gives her some kind of "their" stuff (apparently, pre-cooked), and Gackt gives one of his rings.
Then Gackt is the hall of his music and do not forget to thank everyone who came to the concert and congratulated on coming Christmas.
The concert ends with two ballads, Gackt, as always, beautifully soaring above the hall, and, in contrast to the concert "Kagen no tsuki", now in its white coat, so this time it is - exactly like a Christmas angel, anime version.
It should be noted that we have a proliferation of two versions of this concert: DVD version and TV version.
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