Genre: Comedy, Drama, Series
Year: 2006
The action series is set in the fictional town of Newbury in Westchester County, NY. The protagonist - the Rev. Daniel Webster (Aidan Quinn), an Episcopal priest, who is depending on painkillers, while his wife Judith (Susanna Thompson) is trying to fight an addiction to the daily martini.
Other family members - 23-year-old son of a gay Peter (Christian Campbell), a 16-year-old daughter Grace (Alison Pill), arrested in the first series for possession of drugs, and 16-year-old adopted son of Chinese descent, Adam (Ivan Shaw), who found with the daughter of one of the parishioners of Daniel, known for its prejudice against Asians.
Webster, who is struggling to be a good husband, father and a priest who regularly is Jesus Christ (Garret Dillahunt), whose classic look sharp contrast with unusual behavior. Daniel Christ is to him alone, and calls into question the modern interpretations of church teachings, again and again, forcing Daniel to compare its own strengths and weaknesses.
The aforementioned features of story, along with several unmentioned moments provided serial massive opposition from the church and a quick closing.
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