Genre: Drama
Year: 1982
Director: Alan Clarke
Cast: Tim Roth, Alastair Bain, David Baldwin, Geoffrey Hutchings, Bill Stewart
About the film: The first film in the acting career of Tim Rota.Skinhed Trevor - a typical English Gopnik, going to nowhere, sniffing glue and stupid, evil, rebelling against the imposed pravil.On just do not know what to do, so tyrit machines and occasionally shits respectable British citizens and slipping it all nizhe.Pered court social worker hoping to save the guy and put on the rails of public life leads Trevor to the institution where they should draw a conclusion about what he is fit, rehabilitate rehabilitate ego.No Trevor does not want to call all around idiots and requires spending money, snapping at the flabby, fat and ugly women moving through the corridors with peeling paint.
Zakonchilis.Deystvitelno Games - life in society, fairness in the understanding of society - is strict adherence to pravil.Trevor not know how to bring down the system, it just hurt on her forehead.
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